Price | Bid Increment |
$0 | $1 |
$24 | $2 |
$100 | $5 |
$150 | $10 |
$5,000 | $25 |
$10,000 | $100 |
Iraqui Most Wanted Playing Cards. Myers Insurance Agency playing cards. desklamations USB AM/FM radio new in the package. A bag of small plastic awards statues. Two metal Wonka's golden ticket signs. One metal sign that reads, "When life throws you a curve lean into it". What Do You Meme? Game of Thrones photo expansion pack. Five For Big Mistakes erasers. They appear to be new. Oklahoma Baptist University Bison Sticker.
Available payment options
Our standard shipping service is handled by Hannah Schull at UPS store 6869. Your items will be picked up from our office then packed and shipped. Please request shipping before you begin bidding on items. Once your items are at the UPS office they will reach out to coordinate payment and verify your address and details. Hannah Shull Email: Phone: 816-249-1020 Address: 905 Mcgee Street Kansas City, Mo 64106